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One of the main problems with urinalysis in dogs arises from the sample collection. Most often, infact, urine collection through cystocentesis (puncture of the bladder to obtain a urine sample) is considered as the best option and this limits the possibility to perform a urine exam as a screening examination in the population at risk of proteinuric kidney disease.
An Italian study (Comparison of urine protein-to-creatinine ratio in urine samples collected by cystocentesis versus free catch in dogs. Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, 2010) revealed how the detection of proteinuria in dogs is not affected by a free catch collection of urine, if inflammation or infection of the genito-urinary tract is not present. Using a special container you can then collect urine during urination and test it with a dipstick: a negative result will allow to consider the dog as not affected from proteinuric kidney disease.

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