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CATSCALE is coming soon!

As from Monday 6th June, CATScale will be available at

Chronic kidney disease is very common in cats but it may be difficult to diagnose in the early stages unless specific tests are carried out  (either blood tests or urinalysis). Some clinical signs, particularly if related to each other, may be useful in leading to suspect a renal disease, contributing to its early identification. An early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and adequate therapy may offer cats a better quality of life.

CATScale works by processing a few clinical signs, then determining the risk that the cat is suffering from chronic kidney disease.

CATScale has been developed thanks to the contribution of universities and freelance Veterinarians(1), in the hope that by its use a higher number of pet owners can identify cats with chronic kidney disease.

CATScale is not a self-diagnostic tool and does not offer therapeutic indications. The Veterinarian is the only one who can make a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and that can give advice about the management of the disease.

Veterinarians who want to help improve CATScale, can enter the data of patients with chronic kidney disease filling out the "Owner’s surname" section with their own last name and warrant number; this will allow us to use the data entered in reviewing the scores.

CATScale is available in both Italian and English, on Android, Windows and iOS devices (PC, tablet, Mac and iPad) and it is optimized for the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.


CATScale has been developed with the unconditional support of Hill's Pet Nutrition srl Italy, Merial Italy SpA  and Pharmacross Company Limited.


(1) Italy: Antonio Borrelli (UniTo), Barbara Bruno (UniTo), Alberto Tarducci (UniTo), Gabriele Melis (UniPr), Fausto Quintavalla (UniPr), Paola Scarpa (UniMi), Grazia Guidi (UniPi), Ilaria Lippi (UniPi), Gaetano Oliva (UniNa), Eric Zini (UniPd), Natalia Sanna (Napoli), Aurelio Guarraci (Palermo),  Anna Maria Uva (Bari), Francesco Ghiani (Genova). Spain: Xavier Roura (Università Barcellona). Malta: Andrea Zatelli (Medical Consultancy Services), Paola D’Ippolito (Medical Consultancy Services). 

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